About Mia

I’m a perfectly normal person, with plenty of good and bad things about me. I’m in my mid-40s and I live in Australia. I’m married, I have a son. I’m a professional, and I care a lot about my work. For 3 years, I was bullied at work, and didn’t realise it.

Regarding what’s in this blog, the names have been changed and identifying details have been left out, because I want to be able to tell my story straight. This is all a true story, and I’ve checked what I’ve written carefully to make sure I haven’t exaggerated.

There aren’t many resources on the web for how to deal with the after effects of having been a workplace bully’s target. There is information about what to do if you are in a bullying situation, and about the legalities of dealing with it. My direct situation ended nearly a year ago (in September 2011)
and I have chosen not to pursue legal action.

What happened to me is utterly unfair. And I wouldn’t want it to happen to anyone else. But if it does happen, I hope this blog can help you understand that others have been there. I’m not a counselor and this blog is not advice. But I hope it provides you with some tools and inspiration to help you (or someone you know) with their own workplace bully issue.

Please feel free to make comments on my blog, or if you prefer, email me at miaiswisernow@gmail.com

Why the owl?

Owls are symbols of wisdom.  I don’t like having to write “Workplace” and “Bullying” all the time, I’d rather focus on the positive – I was given this opportunity to learn more about myself and as a result I am getting wiser.  Believe me, that’s not some Pollyanna-ish view.  I hate this happened to me, that this was allowed to happen to me, that it happens to others, and that there are still others who work with the bully I worked with who suffer in silence.

I like this little owl that I found on a free clip-art site, because it’s not too cutesy but still cute, and it’s wide-eyed, as well as being an owl, traditionally associated with the goddess Athena.  I could say I’m like Athena, and in some ways I am.  But that would be quite grand, and I really want you to know, I’m a perfectly normal owl person.

And, you guessed it, Mia is a pen-name, so you can think of the Owl as Mia.

just owl

4 Responses to “About Mia”

  1. sisterli 19/09/2012 at 2:38 am #

    I am so grateful that you started this blog. While I’ve only discovered it today and have not read everything yet, it certainly encourages and inspires me to know that in time I CAN and WILL recover from the effects of bullying! I love that you are turning a negative experience in your life into one that create hope and inspiration for others while providing support and encouragement. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing with those of us who have suffered in silence.

    • miaiswisernow 21/09/2012 at 10:14 am #

      Thank YOU so much for reading – I do believe you are the very first; and your support keeps me going.

  2. Mish 09/03/2013 at 4:28 am #

    Hi Mia
    I’ve been bullied out of a job and am also dealing with a bully who runs the retail store next door to me. Like to share my story if you are interested, it may be useful to someone out there.

    • miaiswisernow 08/04/2013 at 4:31 am #

      Hi Mish,
      Thanks for leaving a comment. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been bullied too – twice from the sounds of it. It’s all too common! I’ve just come back this site after a hiatus, it’s inspiring to see someone’s had a look; I hope to get active again in the coming weeks and months.

      Hope things are looking up,


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